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Automating Software Tests Using Selenium

Hugo Peres

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Automating Software Tests Using Selenium

R$ 29.9 | Ebook

Automating Software Tests Using Selenium is a practical manual aimed at all professionals and companies in the systems area and who aim to improve the quality of their services and / or products in a

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Automating Software Tests Using Selenium is a practical manual aimed at all professionals and companies in the systems area and who aim to improve the quality of their services and / or products in a simple, efficient and low cost.

In this book you will find the features that the Selenium tool provides to implement a robust automated testing environment, such as: writing / executing test scripts, exporting / importing test scripts into a test project, running tests simultaneously on different platforms and browsers.

Innovate your way to test software, embarking on this incredible world of automation and see through the results how machines can facilitate your day-to-day tasks.

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R$ 29.9