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DIANARTE (Dialogue and atherosclerosis analogies and its regression)
DIANARTE (Heart atherosclerosis disease regression)

celso biancardini gomes da silva, celso biancardini gomes da silva

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DIANARTE (Dialogue and atherosclerosis analogies and its regression)

DIANARTE (Heart atherosclerosis disease regression)

por celso biancardini gomes da silva, celso biancardini gomes da silva

R$ 49.00 | Ebook

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Wrote the book !DIANARTE – Dialogue and analogies of atherosclerosis and its regression , conventionally,and after it was done ,I felt the need to turn it in to a comic book,which would make the reading a lot easier to our people, thus bringing more knowledge about the most affected disease of the globalized world; a world afficted and need more information If you had a myocardial infaction , a myocardial revascularization surgery , a coronary angioplasty and a ischemic stroke,know how to recede your condition by reading this book . I do hope I am contributing to the planet!s well being though
the knowledge presented here

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R$ 49.00