por Gabriela Lacerda
There is a limiting belief around in vitro fertilization (IVF)
that must be reframed: the idea that it is only a technical,
difficult, painful and artificial process. IVF is another one
of those wonderful proofs of God’s love towards us.
Therefore, it is nothing but a christic alternative to enable
men and women to achieve their paternity and maternity
dreams. It was from this perspective that the author,
Gabriela Lacerda, a former trying woman and mother of
two children via assisted reproductions, shares with her
readers a spiritual perspective about the most advanced
treatment for couples who have difficulty to get pregnant.
In this book, she talks about the metaphysical teachings
that were essential to achieve her much-dreamed-of
positive in her first in vitro fertilization attempt, giving
life to her son Gael, and again, three years later, from the
transfer of a single frozen embryo that enabled the
arrival of her second son, Benício. What may be seen as
good fortune from a distance, for her, who experienced it
with a lot of energy, it was the certainty that there was a
spirituality watching over every detail of her journey as a
conscious trying woman. The one that goes beyond
physical symptoms and scarcity thoughts. The one that
acknowledges that life goes beyond the visible, the
material world. Welcome to the wonderful world of
assisted reproduction from a spiritual perspective. Read
each page with an open heart. It is safe to get pregnant
easily via in vitro fertilization.
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