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Sordid Details

Fernando H. De Marchi

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Sordid Details

Grátis | Ebook

A life told in one book. What am I writing for? Dear reader, I need to vent, the thoughts flow in a raw way, with no time for embellishments, and no filter for the sordid details.

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A life told in one book. What am I writing for? Dear reader, I need to vent, the thoughts flow in a raw way, with no time for embellishments, and no filter for the sordid details. I need to warn you that my story will start innocently. However, do not fool yourself: it’ll get worse every chapter, and so, there will be certainly many sordid details. I anticipate that: “In the controversial search for success, I draw my failure reaching for victories”. Confusing, right? Accept to know me and you will understand!

Translation: Carol Zampronha.

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