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On Our Own Terms
Stories of women entrepreneurs around the world

Fernanda Moura e Taciana Mello

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On Our Own Terms

Stories of women entrepreneurs around the world
R$ 35 | Ebook

The book is the result of The Girls on the Road project spanning 99,534,000 kilometers, and more than 300 interviews on 5 continents with women entrepreneurs

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The book “On Our Own Terms – Stories of Women Entrepreneurs around the World” brings together stories from 24 countries. The book is the result of The Girls on the Road project spanning 99,534,000 kilometers, and more than 300 interviews on 5 continents with women entrepreneurs and experts. Women still face more obstacles to becoming entrepreneurs regardless of country, culture, or environment.

Over the course of 15 months, the duo also navigated the sociocultural aspects of the countries visited and had an experience beyond the interviews. “We had the opportunity to get to know a little of the role and perception of women through them. It was an excellent exercise to break our own paradigms and prejudices, “said the authors.

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R$ 35