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The Lake Girl – Book 1
Urban Legends Series

Marcio Ardenghe D. Peres

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The Lake Girl – Book 1

Urban Legends Series
R$ 0.99 | Ebook

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Hello, my name is Christian. I’m only in my twenties and I would like to go back in time, change the destiny. But I can not!

I was in charged with keeping a secret that cannot be revealed.
If you started reading this, then stop!
Close and never dare to open it again.

It is amazing how evil can change everything, turn illusion into reality, love into hatred, and courage into your most obscure fear.
Now if you’ve decided that your heart is strong enough to hold on and your mind is not volatile to freak out:
Good Luck!
And hopefully the dead will not frighten you…

This story was never revealed. Until now…

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