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The Ultimate Guide of Goals and Objectives
how to tell if you and the organization are on the right track

Markus Hofrichter

Capa nome do livro

The Ultimate Guide of Goals and Objectives

how to tell if you and the organization are on the right track
R$ 9.01 | Ebook
Impresso disponível na Amazon | Magalu | Americanas

This E-Book was written with the Intent of providing you some basic skills to apply in your work-life or personal life, for yourself or for others – to ACHIEVE your GOALS, DEVELOP your full potential

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Common goal-setting mistakes every manager should avoid

Team goal-setting is an art. It differs from how we set personal goals and think of our resolutions. While personal goals tend to focus more on individuals and their personal or career development, team goals focus on achieving company-wide objectives.

Most managers are prone to making common goal-setting mistakes when planning and working towards team goals. These mistakes cost the team time, money, and can negatively impact the team’s overall performance.

This E-Book will walk you through the concept of HOW TO DEFINE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES, how to make them stick – not only for the “sake and growth of the Organization you work for”, but also for each and every TEAM MEMBER.

Bonus Content: a Tool  to use while defining Goals and the most complete Guide on how to use the most effective and easiest COACHING Tool, with applications, you  have never heard of.

The ultimate Goal for every one is to succeed and achieve a level of satisfaction and happiness in life – this E-Book shows you: How to


Let`s dig in

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R$ 9.01