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Winnicott and the Future of Psychoanalysis

Zeljko Loparic (Org.)

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Winnicott and the Future of Psychoanalysis

R$ 39.9 | Ebook

An enquiry is merited on the place of Winnicottian psychoanalysis within the context of contemporary society and its crises, and that of the history of psychoanalysis.

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In May 2015, the 1st IWA Congress and the XX Winnicott International Colloquium was held in the city of São Paulo. Members of the International Winnicott Association (IWA) from different countries met to discuss the relationship between Winnicott’s thought and the future of psychoanalysis. This book contains most of the papers delivered on that occasion and reflects the diversity of approaches marking the event. In the following pages the reader will find multiple ways of thinking about the place of Winnicott’s theory and practice in the face of the future of psychoanalysis and the challenges – current and future – raised by our society.

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R$ 39.9