
Waterstones e Amazon fecham acordo, rede britânica venderá Kindle nas suas livrarias


A maior cadeia de livrarias do Reino Unido, Waterstones, vai vender o leitor da Amazon Kindle e lançar serviços digitais relacionados. A rede, que possui 297 livrarias no Reino Unido. No início do ano, havia anúncios de que a Waterstones estaria fechando um acordo com a Barnes & Noble. A parceria com a Amazon indica que a parceria com a B&N ficou pelo caminho.

Em artigo no blog Futurebook, Martin Daniels descreve o movimento da rede de livrarias como “levar a raposa para dentro do galinheiro“, entregando seus consumidores e perdendo vendas para a Amazon:

People have asked whether Amazon would open up physical stores, it doesn’t have to as long as stores such as Waterstones open their doors and let them in. Some would suggest that it is like letting the fox into the chicken hut and only time will tell what will happen. Maybe some will see it as a quiet reverse take-over without the exchange of shares and money. It will be interesting to watch how Waterstones shops now step up with renewed enthusiasm to sell themselves out of their digital future, give away their customers and even loose more physical sales. If Waterstones are unable to compete on price will the increased foot fall of folk coming in potentially once to buy a Kindle be enough to save all but a small number of their estate?

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